Atlantic City Trip Report – A Side Trip To Play Some Craps

November 2006
Trip Report by Travelin Marilyn
AC Report and How to Get Rated
M&C - 01:20pm Nov 9, 2006 PT
GTC (1st class) & GTB Graduate, 40-Roll Club, 50-Roll Club
We were in Virginia for a wedding, and on the way back, decided to cross over to Lewes, Delaware, and take the ferry to Cape May, NJ. We had a gift certificate about to expire for the Congress Hall Inn, so we spent Sunday (10/29) night there. The pedestrian shopping street was having a trick or treat day for the children. Three teens were adorably dressed as "Red Hat Ladies"; a witch had a ferret in a basket that the children enjoyed petting; there was a lion; and many other interesting costumes. Almost all the shops had someone standing outside, dressed in costume, handing out candy. However, there was one Scrooge, who kept telling the parents he didn't have enough help in his jewelry store, and they should go next door. We promptly left, and saw that he later had a "closed" sign on the door. What a spoil sport!
Since AC was right on the way home, we did a diversion on Monday, and wound up staying for 4 days. (The car made us do it! It knows the Garden State Parkway exit blindfolded.) Monday afternoon and evening I wound up with five 30 plus rolls back to back, pounding the 6's and 8's. We had met up with Red Bank Roller, who was very happy to have been on my rolls. He also had some rolls in the teens, with many 6's and 8's. Sandtrap had 24 and 29, also profit makers. We all walked away with humungous profits. This was my personal best in terms of back to back rolls as well as profit, so I was ecstatic.
Tuesday was again a profitable day, with several rolls in the teens and 20's. Since we were hitting the inside numbers, the length of rolls didn't matter much. We just kept raking in the money. Then on Wednesday, the three of us could do nothing right, as sometimes happens. However, we were still riding high from Monday and Tuesday, so we didn't let it bother us too much.
On Thursday, we met up with Jack and Betty, and I was back on track with a 30, 20, and some teens. Betty managed a 35! We are trying to convince her to take the course in March. She has such a soft touch, and has had other rolls in the 20's in the past.
RATINGS: During a conversation with one of the dealers, he explained to me how the ratings work. I think we all know the basics, but he told me some things I didn't know. When betting the 6 & 8, the cap does not count, only the base amount. On the 4, 5, 9, 10 everything counts. The field, hop, and prop bets get 3 times the value of the bet. On the come bets, the first 2 bets get full base value. However, the third and more bets also get 2 1/2 times the second bet included in the rating. So, if your come bets were $30, $30, $30, the third bet would actually get a rating of $70! I don't know if these parameters are true for all casinos in AC or just this one. Perhaps FRANK or DOM might know the answer. Also, the dealer admitted that on a busy shift, the pit boss might only notice your first bet, and not always give full credit when you are pressing.
Another new tactic. In this casino, comps no longer accumulate when you check the kiosk. There is a new point system, which you can see when you swipe your card. Different amounts of points will get you to different levels, allowing one to access the MVP clubs. However, asking the pit boss for food comps still works. You just can't print them out of the machine anymore, because they won't be there.
The second to last casino at the north end has a new noodle bar with a menu. Much improved over the previous one, with a lot more space, and more variety.There is also a new bar on the edge of the casino floor, which has music on Wed-Sun. The afternoon music is more 50's-60's although loud. At night it gets very loud and is more 70's-90's.
All the workers are talking about the Trump-Wynn meeting, and what it portends for the city. Sands is closing on the 11th, with a lot of employees who will be out of work. If Trump Plaza closes, that will have a huge impact on the city and surrounding areas.
That's all folks! Travelin' Marilyn
P.S. Ii forgot to mention that I also had a profit at BJ using speed count while waiting to get on the craps table. I re-emphasize: it works!