Golden Touch Sports Pick Service

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Dominator's Golden Touch Sports
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More About Dominator's Golden Touch Sports
Dominator has been beating the Vegas sports books for over 20 years now and for the first time ever he is sharing his predictions with our privileged Golden Touch customers who subscribe to our services. With the help of best-selling author Bill "AceTen" Burton, Dominator's Golden Touch Sports Service uses proprietary, copyrighted, advanced, and unique computer programs to aid in choosing which teams will bring you the money. Combined with Dominator's supreme sports knowledge, and AceTen's bet selection software, our picks will be the best picks you can get.
This service will not necessarily be making loads of picks each and every day; indeed, some days there will be no picks. If you are an action junkie, looking for the thrill of throwing away your money, then Dominator's Golden Touch Sports Service is not for you. Our goal is to make you hammer the sports books, period.
We are not like other sports pick services. We will help you with money management and tell you the right percentage of your bankroll you should be betting. We have done it for years and we will show you how. You don't need any knowledge of sports. Actually if you keep it simple and bet the way Dominator tells you, you will win! We take personal pride in making all our subscribers the best they can be and winners!
How our service works:
Our betting services are organized into separate web publications we call gazettes. Each gazette covers a specific sport and/or set of games. Each gazette is further broken down into issues. The frequency of issues varies for each gazette... some gazettes may update every few days, others every few weeks. In some cases, the current issue of a gazette may also be updated, rather than a new issue published.
You can purchase subscriptions to our service. Each subscription includes one or more gazettes. A subscription may cover a complete season of a sport, in which case you pay a one-time fee for the complete season, and then the subscription expires. Other subscriptions may be offered on a renewal basis, such as monthly or annual automatic billing charged to your credit card. Renewal subscriptions may be on-going, or may end at the end of a sport's season. In either case, you are able to cancel the renewal subscription at any time.
UNIQUE! Instant e-mail notifications
We e-mail you whenever there are new predictions and picks! We've developed an advanced and fully automated sports prediction service that includes complete subscription processing and e-mail updates. When you purchase a subscription, you'll get e-mail notifications every time a gazette you've subscribed to is updated, or a new issue is available. We post updated picks and bets frequently, sometime within an hour of game time.
With our automated e-mail service, you'll be able to stay on top of the best bet predictions available.
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Stop paying your bookie and start winning!!
Articles on Sports Betting
If you don't know anything about Sports Prediction and handicapping, or just want to refine your skills, here's the place to start! Learn from the best, at Dominator's Sports.
- Bankroll Advice for the Football Season by Dom Loriggio
- Bankroll Advice for the Football Season by Dom Loriggio
- A Beginner's Guide to Sport's Betting
- Why Sports Betting is Profitable by Bill Burton
- What you Won't Get at Dominator's Sports Service
Subscriber Testimonials
Click here to read what our subscribers say about Dominator's Sports Service. In this business, everything is about performance, so don't take our word for it: read what our customers say about Dominator's Sports.
Here's a random sample quote:
I have used many services for many years. Some give you every game and some give you just a few. I found that the ones that limit their pick usually have a better win rate than the ones that give you every game.
Myself I always evaluate the services in this manner:
A bad day, more than a 2 unit loss (no big thing)
A bad week, more than 10 unit loss (once in awhile not a problem)
A bad month, any loss (more than once a year huge problem)
These are my own opinions and many people have there own way. Dom and Bill have given us all a great opportunity here. First, they are very good at picking games.
Second, most of us have had dealings with them on other services and products offered by GTC. So we must trust them to put out a good product. Otherwise we would not be here.
Third, they are giving us not only the LOCK PICKS we signed up for, but all other pick they have, which are also winning at a high rate. If you have been sitting on the side lines about using this service, now is your chance to get in on the ground floor.
Thanks Dom and Bill for giving us this opportunity.
I love you guys! You can ask Dom. Not a day goes by that I don't thank him.
from Bill Z