Golden Touch Craps
July "Post of The Month" Winner
is Sevenout with "10 % Success Rate"
Sevenout this was a great post because I am sure many students need clarification on the 10% success rate that GTC states students will have. The topic ended up being 27 items long so it did stimulate a few questions and answers.
Thanks for all of you contributions to our GTC site and a pat on the back is well deserved for this post.
The entire post is below so everyone doesn't have to go looking for it and here is the link to look at the responses.
Mr Finesse
10% Success rate
sevenout - 07:46am Jul 10, 2008 PT
Read the book, saw the movie, took the class, got the T-shirt
I remember from class Dom said only 10% of us would become advantage players. I have a hard time understanding why this number would be so low. In a class of 28 (Tunica '08) that means 3 of us will make it. I wonder who the other 2 are?
Perhaps it is because I am on the low roller side of the betting curve at this time, but I can't imagine spending $1200-2000 on a class plus another $1000 or so on room and airfare and then let that education go to waste. That is a nice chunk of change to me.
I understand mastering the dice is hard work. Progress has been slower than I expected, but I have a tendency to be somewhat unrealistic in my expectations. The part I can't understand is not betting properly. That to me is the easiest part. Don't make stupid bets, don't let the casino control your emotions. It does not take any skill to do that only discipline. Again I work too hard for my money to just throw it away.
If I was just curious about craps or just a looky-loo I would have stopped at the book or DVD. If you are willing to invest the time and money into class, it would seem to me you would have the commitment to make a good effort at succeeding. More than 10% I would think.
Am I missing something or is it I am just cheap?