Golden Touch Craps
Table Etiquette
Dr Crapology - 04:14pm Oct 26, 2008 PT
GTC Graduate, Advanced Course Graduate, 50 Roll Club, 60 Roll Club, Married to Alligator Rose
As a follow up to Not2Soon's recent posting I wanted to add a few items of how to make the game more fun, more profitable, and have the game go smoother.
- Concerning N2S's comment about using web site handles I have to plead guilty. No excuses but often I only know the handle and not the name and I get excited and blow it by using his or her handle. For example I might say "way to go Good Roller." THANK YOU GODDESS FOR CALLING THIS TO MY ATTENTION. I certainly needed that correction.
- Buying in during the middle of a long roll. I know you want in on the action immediately but either wait for the 7 out or at the least when a point is made and the action stops to make all of the payoffs, that's the time to buy in. Better yet go to another table and buy in and come back with those chips or if you know someone at the table who has a bunch of chips in the rail borrow from that person until you can pay him or her back after the session. Don't make a big issue out of it, just simply use his chips until you settle up. I will be happy to lend chips any time. It is a real bummer when you buy in, the action stops and there is am immediate 7 out. Several years ago I was guilty of this. It won't happen again.
- If you are in position SR1 (SR2) or SL1 (SL2) and you have had several rolls and you seem to be getting tired give it a rest and let someone else have the position. Don't misunderstand me you certainly don't want to be playing "fruit basket turnover" all the time, as this will cause you to draw too much attention. But don't hog the position for 3 or 4 hours at a good table---give others a chance to roll. I seem to see this all the time.
- Tip the dealers. You can do this for as little as a dollar on the pass line on top of your bet. Tell the dealer you are going to control the bet and pay him the win. If you win pay him the $1 win and bet the dollar again on the next come out roll. Keep repeating. A second way is to place the dollar bet on top of your own and place a second dollar beside your bet for the dealer. If you get a 7 on the come out roll or you make a point say "dealer hand in" for the $2 bet. Since you also won a dollar on the $1 bet on top of your pass line bet, you can repeat at no additional cost. If you really get going you can use a $5 chip.
- Never argue over a payoff that is just a few dollars. Keep track of your bets. Know where they are at all times. It really stops the action when the roller hits a 5 and you don't get paid and you stop the action arguing that you know you had a 5 and they should pay you. I don't see many GTC people doing this, usually it's the drunk C F"ers.
- If you are going to color up and take a break wait for a break in the action. I see way too many players interrupting the game and it is unnecessary. Slide the chips out while a bunch of payoffs are being made and the dealer can shift the chips to the box man.
These are just a couple of ideas that will make you look like a pro and that you know what you are doing. I have been guilty of doing most of them myself so I have been there and done that.
Hope they will help everybody enjoy the game even more.