How A Win Stop Can Make All The Difference

January "Post of The Month" winner is Timmy
Winning Post: Stop Win/Loss
"Timmy's" post on Jan 26 2008 titled "STOP WIN/LOSS--My 7 was" is the winner for January. this was a great post and enjoyed by many many members of this board. Thanks Timmy, great job.
The committee would also like to recognize Rough Roller for his Post on Jan 26th also titled "TRIP REPORT" as a Post of Distinction. This post was great and it generated multiple responses. Thanks Rough Roller, good job.
Thanks to all who post on this GTC site, your contributions help make this a great site to be a member of.
Mr Finesse
ps: please check out another post if you have the time, it is very informative and I think alot of new comers to casino play can benefit from the info it contains. It is by Scan, it is Titled "CASINO CREDIT Q & A" on Jan 14th 2008.
Timmy's winning Post in Full
Timmy - 09:31pm Jan 26, 2008 PT
Post of the Month 01/08
I rarely turn on the T. V. nowadays as it is depressing and boring. However I do happen to catch an ocassional Deal or No Deal show. I am pretty sure most know the object of the game. Pick a case and let your greed drive you to the smallest prize. Well thats all I ever see.
I do think there is a lesson that GTC has taught everyone and it applies to more in life than just at the craps table or the casino. I watched a lady on the show tonight have 3 one million dollar prizes on the board (Normally only one) and still had all 3 available with 7 cases to open. Her offer from the bank for her case was 236k and she said no deal. She opened one and did not pull a million so her offer went to 286k. She opted not to listen to her husband and continue on (I would to mathematically) but she then opened another case for a million. Her offer dropped to 175k. Now looking at only having one case with a million out there she decides to go for it. Boom pulls a million after 2 cases and offer is down to 22k. She ended up leaving with 40k in cash and 15k worth of flying lessons.
Lesson here is had she set a Win stop she might have been able to get her father a new truck and a new house for herself that she so desperately was fighting for. Now the game did not cost anything for her to get into and she is ahead no matter what, but why continue to play against the odds when your ahead and have a higher percentage of making the final take smaller? I think its greed.
I used to be a ploppy, I have by no means mastered dice control or speed count. But I have mastered two things and that is discipline and patience. The things you learn from the crew of GTC and their wisdom is set limits for yourself wether your up or down. Don't ever say "One more roll and I can buy that car" because one more roll and you might say "I wish I had not rolled and loss that money". Get to your session limit and cash out. Remember the money isn't yours till its gaining intrest in your 401G account.
Sorry about rambling on, but I am tired of seeing the same stupid decisions people make on tv and it ends up costing them more. I use the same things for my stock investing, I have my loss limits and gain limits when they are met I trade my options without regret. I will throw a quick story about that before I close this. Luck sometimes does come into play. I had a stock in which my loss limit was met and I needed to trade but the starbucks coffee I normally stole internet from was down and I was heading to work. I was now going to be about $900 down vice $150. However because the WiFi was down I didn't get to sell and the stock ended up bringing me up 3k in one day. For that I rely on luck,destiny, or coniencedence.