Golden Touch Craps
March Post of the Month:
Rafter's "Vegas Trip Report Mar. 13 - 16"
Rafter great job and a very informative Trip Report, thanks for the honesty and all of the facts.
Thanks again from the Post of the Month Team. Mr Finesse
Vegas Trip Report Mar 13-16
Rafter - 09:43am Mar 17, 2008 PT
GTC Grad Vegas Oct 07 Vegas trip report Mar 13-16
Well this might be a painful report to read.
It was painful to experience and write as well.
We arrived on Thursday night and settled in. I wanted to shoot, but my better sense told me not to. I had worked an entire day and then had the 4 hour drive between L.A. and Vegas, so I figured that wouldnt be a good combination.
On Friday, Dave (Da Porker) and I went to scout out some tables at a casino off of the strip. The tables were great, but unfortunately our results werent. The session didnt turn out too bad; we might have broken out even or just a little bit down. We took a break after the session.
Later that afternoon, the rest of the guys started showing up (RT, Mailman) RT and I had a session that afternoon and results were good. RT broke out of the box with a big roll: 33. It was a very good money maker at which point we were thinking it was going to be a BIG weekend.
We had a couple more throws each: RT had a 24 and 16 roll and I had a 13, and 15 roll.
We took a break from the session and went out for some dinner.
After dinner we met again and heres where the pain begins:
There was a good crowd of us there: Dave (Da Porker), RT, Mailman, Eight Hard, and myself.
We all had ok first throws. Nobody breaking out of the teens, but after that it was like a blood bath.
We were 5 counting but it would seem after we got into play, there would be a 7 out 2-3 throws after the 5 count. That pattern continued the rest of the evening, it was like a point 7 out after the 5 count.
Nobody could get hot that evening. We chalked it up as one of those days. It reminded me of that old saying mama told me there would be days like this!
We broke up and decided to call it a night.
The next morning RT, Dave, and I met for some more shooting. When we arrived, I noticed somebody at the table that had our throw, this is a good sign! It happened to be Jeff P and his brother Rick, both GTC grads from the Chicago class.
It was nice having 5 of us at a table early in the morning. I was thinking with that many of us at the table, at least one of us would get hot. The session started ok, I dont think anything above 23.
Thats when I started to experience flash backs!
We were 5 counting and the same thing started to happen from the previous night, right after getting into play after the 5 count: 7 out!
The storm moved in but never really left, we were down for the session. We took a break, I went back to my room and took a little nap and met up with my wife and daughter.
(A side note as to how the trip went: After Dave (Da Porker) and I called it quits. I get a call from RT and right after we left, a CF got hot and they recovered all of their losses and made some money! GRRRR )
Later that evening, we had a very nice dinner with Dave and his wife. Dave is good people. Its always nice to meet up with Dave and his wife when we are in Vegas, very, very nice people 
After dinner we all met up for some more shooting and if you can see the pattern, you could see what happened next.
The blood bath continued. 5 count 1 or 2 rolls then 7 out! Or is it 7 OUCH!
Personally, at this point, I am getting very frustrated! The throw is looking and feeling good but that damn 7 kept showing up. The only good news (if there were any) was that they were on axis they were 5-2 or 4-3 sevens.
Also at this point, I am betting scared, minimum pass line, single odds (if any) and minimum 6 and eight bets (this will come into play later in this report)
Anyway, the pattern is pretty much the same for the rest of the guys.
It was a rough evening emotionally; I hit my loss limit and called it an early night.
The next morning, Sunday, we (Dave, RT, and I) got up early and met Jeff and his brother Rick for a quick round before we had to go....
Well it started again as it had been previously going nothing
We went a couple of rounds, and finally some broke though! Rick had a very nice 28 roll. It was a thing of beauty! It was like the first rain after a major drought, we were on the verge of dehydration/wilting and finally the rain came!
I made a little bit of money on that throw, not as much as I could have because I had been bitten so much over the weekend, I wasnt betting the way I normally would. (Great throw Rick!)
After Ricks nice throw, things started to go the way they had been previously. Dave (Da Porker) and RT left as they had hit their loss limits.
I thought I would give it one more shot before I left town. I get the dice and start to throw and throw and throw; I kept hitting point after point. Im on a big roll! I dont know how many exactly but I held the dice for 30-40 minutes.
Again, I made some money on this roll, but as I stated earlier I was doing some very, very, conservative betting being gun shy. If I would have been betting my normal way, it would have been a huge win fall session.
We were pumped. It was nice to see Rick get as excited as he was over the roll and Jeff too.
After my throw, it was time to go. I said so long to Rick and Jeff, it was very nice meeting them. They are great people! If you ever get a chance to meet up with them, especially in the Midwest, do it. Hopefully we'll be able to meet again to shoot somewhere.
I felt good. It was nice to end on a good note. What a learning experience this was! I need to have the patience of Job on this trip and fortunately a good 401G
The 401G took a little hit on this trip, but the purpose of it is to be able to weather a storm like this one. This is the first storm Ive hit and Im sure it wont be the last. I wish I could say the last, but thats not reality.
I feel my throw is better than ever, I have put in many, many hours of practice and I work hard at it. Going into this weekend our practices had been going very well.
I was feeling (I think we all were) with the way practice was going, it was going to be huge for us. (Mailman, RT, SectionEight, and I meet weekly to throw on Mailmans table).
It was very frustrating when everything looked and felt good. (Dom, during those down times, I could hear your voice in my head TRUST THE THROW, TRUST THE THROW!)
I stuck with it and in the end it paid off, maybe not financially this time, but I went home on a good note, on a good roll.
It seemed all weekend, I was just one little break away, right on the edge. Sometimes theres such a fine line between success and challenges in life.
This happens so much in sports, in where you will hear an athletes frustration: I felt good, I played good, but I didnt get the results.
Lifes funny like that sometimes .