Golden Touch Craps
Breaking down the toss
sevenout - 10:02am Sep 13, 2008 PT
Read the book, saw the movie, took the class, got the T-shirt, been refreshed
In working towards the perfect toss I have tried to break it down into individual elements. Thinking about the whole swing is too much to concentrate, but one element at a time can be done. If you were to do this how would you prioritize your learning.
- The grip. Duh. Easy to work on at any time. You don't even need a practice rig. If this is off nothing can go right. Garbage in, garbage out.
- Keeping the dice together in the air. Since we are trying to minimize randomness symmetry is essential. The dice must travel together and land as one to have any chance.
- Hitting the target. Being able to consistently hit the same spot regardless of launch angle or how hard they land or how much they scatter.
- Minimize scatter. This really has two parts. One, the dice have to land flat and level. Then they must react off the back wall together. Straight is better.
- Dice end up near back wall. This is the ultimate result.
I find when I practice that if I focus on one element and not worry about the result of the dice, my practice is mentally more positive. When I can finally put all the elements together my results are much better.