Golden Touch Craps
This was a very difficult month to make a choice. We had to narrow the decision down from an initial 9 selections, and then the votes were extremely close. Congratulations to Timmer and Phrozen for excellent posts, and thanks to everyone who contributed such interesting and discussion provoking posts this month.
January 2009 - Post of the Month
I Aint Here For The Beer, Or The Cheese... TIMT1s Wisconsin Trip Report
Timmer - 03:16pm Jan 18, 2009 PT
This past Friday I visited a particular casino in Wisconsin for the 1st time. As I mentioned in an earlier trip report post, while we have some very nice casinos here in Minnesota, they unfortunately do not offer craps.
This was a planned trip, and it was just great to get out and about after a week of minus 25 below zero nights and daytime highs not reaching zero. But hey! the summers here are really nice!!!
Leaving Minneapolis/St. Paul, the scenery quickly turned to rural farmland and was especially pretty from a fresh snowfall. Diane (my better half) was with me, which made the 2-hour drive all the more pleasant. But I think Ive created a monster! - Diane has been reading my copy of Frank and Dominators Golden Touch Dice Control Revolution and has seemingly gotten bit by the craps bug! All kidding aside, she is really getting into the book and her many questions about what she is reading made for interesting road trip conversation. Maybe shell stay off the slots on our next trip to Vegas! Or not
My goals for this trip were similar to those in my earlier Iowa report. I was also thankful for the chance to practice various skills a bit more before next months trip to Vegas.
1. Use the 5-Count and Golden Ruler on all throwers including myself.
2. Shoot from SL1 or SL2 practicing Hardways and 3V sets, 3-finger grip and controlled throw.
3. Concentrate on soft landing, minimal roll and dice coming to rest 6-8 inches from back wall.
4. Utilize Place Betting and Come Betting strategies appropriate for my bankroll.
5. Keep track of roll lengths.
We arrived at the casino around 4:30 PM. As it was a Friday evening I expected both the casino and the craps tables to be fairly full, but it turned out to be a very slow night, especially for the start of the weekend. This was a very nice, clean, Native American casino with the normal compliment of amenities (bar, restaurants, etc.) The décor was a rustic northwoods log cabin theme and quite appropriate for the casino's rural location. We also noticed a fairly long line for one of the restaurants and after asking we learned most were there for what was supposed to be a fantastic Friday night fish fry!
There were two 14-foot craps tables with a $5 minimum. With only two other craps players, the casino had just the right half of one table open. The rules were just like the Iowa casino I reported on earlier - the vig paid on the 4 and 9 buy and double only on both the field 2 and 12. After an hour or so and 2 or 3 more players showing up, the full table was opened and I moved to SL1. Being left-handed, Im finding it most comfortable to throw from SL. I turn so my left hip and side are against the table and I am facing the (SL) throwing end of the table. It seems that SL and this body position make it easier for me to set, square up and throw the dice with some consistency. In an effort to not develop any more bad habits, Id sure appreciate any comments or criticism of my body alignment and choice of shooting position for a left-hander as described here.
As far as winning or sustained throws are concerned, this trip was a disaster! My 1st five throws were 3, 5, 5, 3 & 6
Ouch!!! At this point, Diane, being the wise woman that she is, left in search of a Merlot
I was doing no better or worse than others at the table. There was one other shooter taking the time to set his dice but nothing special resulted except more repetitive sevening out after reaching the 5-Count. Although I later had a longer roll in the middle teens, I threw mostly junk numbers and sevened out before making the point.
In sum, this would have been a good table and situation to walk away from, but unlike Vegas, etc., this was the only game in town literally... Im pleased that I kept the discipline to stick with the 5-Count and my betting strategy. I also set and gripped the dice consistently and worked on a least mimicking a soft, repetitive controlled throw. I was at the table for just under three hours and walked away with 1/3 of the allotted bankroll for this trip still in my pocket. Surely another testament to the 5-Count! There were no negative comments or criticism from the dealers or pit personnel, and all expressed thanks for the dealer bets I put up when shooting.
1. Stuck with the 5-Count, even when having my ass handed to me.
2. Did not deviate from the Place/Come betting strategy appropriate for my bankroll.
3. Ended the losing session with 1/3 of my trip allotment remaining.
4. Programmed the casino location into my GPS favorite places before leaving for home.
5. Ill be back!!! (Said in the Ahnold/Terminator voice) as it is a very nice, friendly casino.
1. A skilled, controlled shooters dream of few shooters and SL or SR available at a table can be an unskilled, random/rhythmic rollers nightmare, especially when trying to practice skills such as the 5-Count, Golden Ruler, etc.
2. Comments or critique of my body alignment and choice of shooting position for a left-hander described above will be appreciated.
3. How does the Crap Check bet work, exactly? What are the thoughts/odds/worthiness concerning this bet?
4. Like #3 above, what about buying insurance for established Come Bets to protect them after a point is made and on the upcoming come-out? How does this bet work exactly? Are costs different depending on how many Come Bets are insured? What are the thoughts, worthiness, etc., of making this bet?
5. I sure need to get to a GTC Class!!!
Wishing everyone a great weekend!
January 2009 - Post of Distinction
After the Advanced Class what's next, the "Elite" class?
Phrozen - 12:05pm Jan 1, 2009 PT
I was thinking that the advanced class was so good that it almost felt like there was something more that was missing, maybe another class for those that are in a class above advanced.
I was thinking that there should be an "Elite" sort of class that only those that can show they are a cut above the rest as far as skill in dice control is concerned. When I was in the advanced class we were asked how can the advanced class be better, we the students agreed that in order for someone to be in the advanced class they should pass an srr test that Dom and Frank set up. Well in the "Elite" the same thing should occur, if your srr doesn't meet up to Dom and Frank's standard than you cannot be even considered for the "Elite" class. That is just to enroll in the class. And Maybe it should only be only four students per class or per instructor. Just as long as it is kept very small, for more personal and intense instruction. Maybe a portion of the class can be on the perfect rotation of the dice to avoid a 6 or a 1 showing up on the dice. Maybe to sharpen the skill of rolling hard ways, and if that can be achieved how can you bet and press your bets to meet your skill on the hard way bets. I know we are not to be betting on the hard ways, but if your skill can over come that than how and what should be bet and should it be pressed if your skill is that good. After all this is the "Elite".
And finally to graduate from this class there should be a final exam of some sort, like performance in live casino action under the watchful eye of the instructor. To pass, Dom and Frank would decide what or how the student's performance should be in live casino action, in order to pass and be considered an Elite dice controller. And maybe the "Elite" graduates can be given that book that Frank was unsure about writing.
Just a few thoughts, because it feels like there should be something after the Advanced class. A final ending from beginning (Prim
ary) to ending (Elite).
Just a thought, would like some feed back, cruel or otherwise.