Golden Touch Craps
Post of the Month - January
Following are the January Post of the Month and the Post of Distinction,
both of which received unanimous votes, and both generated a fair amount of interest. Congratulations to The Director and MarkD.
Post of the Month
Ok, Ok, So NoFieldFive was right. Never Regress!!
The Director - 11:36am Jan 21, 2010 PT
Tunica '09 - Primer (convert)
I posted several months ago a system I was using to minimize my losses on short roles. I would post large initial bets on the numbers I wanted then after 1-2 hits I would regress down then build back up.
The goal was to begin playing with house money sooner in the role. After months of practice and real playing, all the while 'tweaking' my initial and regression bets, I have come to the same conclusion that NFF tried to tell me oh so many months ago:
Sometimes we just have to beat our heads against the wall long enough to knock the wax out of our ears and listen.
Anyway, recently in practice I have been starting with slightly lower amounts and just letting it ride, progressing from those initial bets. If I have a PSO or short role, I still lose money, but on a role in the teens or 20's I make significantly more money than I was using the other system.
The fact is that most of our roles will probably be teens to 20's. Unusual for most of us that we hit 30+ regularly. A PSO hits all of us it is still devastating. With the regression system, a PSO hurt even more.
So, Thank You NFF and all GTC'ers for the good advice. Keep it coming, I promise to start listening more.
The Director.
Post of Distinction
Trip Report
MarkD - 11:28am Jan 18, 2010 PT
First, I must say that even though I have not taken the GTC course, I study, believe in, and subscribe to the GTC conservative philosophy of how the game of craps is played and won. I have been playing and winning at the game of craps for a long time. I can tell you from my personal experiences that most people do not have a clue how to win money consistently at this game; disaplined GTC's excluded.
I am not able to play in the casinos as much as I use to because of business and school obligations; still, I practice as often as I can on my GTC rig at home. I absolutely love practicing on my rig because I am able to recognize and eliminate the flaws of my game before I play a live game. Last week my practice sessions went very well. My throw looked good. My practice chips increased 10 times over a period of four days. I felt confident that it was time to make a trip to the casino closet to my home in southern New Mexico.
Of course, when I arrived at the casino at about 6 PM on Saturday the craps table was jammed packed with people losing their money. I stood around for about 45 minutes watching the game to determine the energy of the table before my position (SL1) opened up. I felt good, so I decided to move into my position and play the game. I played until almost 11 PM. The table was so crowded that I only touched the dice three times. I was standing so close to a young lady that I almost suggested that we should get a room, but I restrained myself.
When this young lady entered the game she asked how the table had been. I told her that the table had been quiet, but that's because " I haven't thrown the dice yet" (I said confidently). She looked at me a little funny; like I was nuts. I watched the game for a while without making any bets whatsoever. Experience has thought me that using the 5 count is essential to staying in the game long enough to win at the game of craps. I stood at the table as the dice travelled from SL3 all the way around the table to me. During this time I only make one pass line bet. This bet was made on the thrower proceeding me, and only to insure that I would be able to throw the dice.
The dice were now mine. My first roll was a respectable 23 box numbers including 4 points. I felt very good. My throw, release, rotation, arch, and landing were consistent and very nice. I overheard people make comments like " Look at how he is handling the dice. He's a professional player." After my first roll was finished one of the players told the table that everyone should pass the dice back to me. I thought to myself, that would be smart, but they didn't. One of the other players observed that I wasn't betting on anyone else. He asked me if I just stand there until I get the dice back. I told him "Sometimes." I didn't elaborate about the wisdom of the 5 count.
My second roll was only about 20 box numbers but I hit 4 or 5 points. I was starting to get a little tired but I decided to wait for one more opportunity to throw the dice. My third roll was in the 20's. I was to focused on my throw to notice how the other players were doing but a classmate of mine told me that I made the other players a lot of money. I was glad to hear that. After I colored up, I met one of the other players in the cash out line. He shook my hand and said " Man, this is my birthday. You helped to make this one of my best birthdays ever!" How could I not be happy for him
When my game was over, after some generous tips I cashed out with almost quadruple my buy in. I was very happy with my throw and my game. Using the 5 count allowed me to stay in the game long enough to take advantage of my throw. Conservative and progressive betting allowed me to win money and increase my gambling account.
I was a profitable craps player for 20 years before I ever heard of GTC. What I really appreciate about GTC is that what I have learned through this web site and the Dice Revolution book has helped me to become a better and smarter craps player because I now understand the game of craps on a whole new level. When I walk into a casino I am not "hoping" to ride the profitable wave of someone elses throw. When I enter a casino, I expect to win because know I ca
Thank you,