Golden Touch Craps
Post of the Month - February
The entire committee felt there were two excellent posters for the month of February. DavidM had two terrific posts, so we are awarding him the POM for both. The POD goes to Scan. All three psots generated a lot of interest, and were germaine to the GTC philosophy. Congratulations to DavidM and Scan.
Posts of the Month
"Wait!..Wait for me!!"
DavidM - 10:07pm Feb 23, 2010 PT
Tunica, '08, refresher '09 Non official 40-50-60roll. 2X POM
This may take awhile. Go get some coffee. I have a few questions on this report. What happened? Was it legal? What really happened?
As the blind man and his group slowly drifted away, next shooter started his turn. I got my money ready to cash in and go eat. I always count my money exactly. I told the boxman that I noticed while I was on the end of the table, that there were "RESERVED" signs on the table for this end, and a "No Smoking" sign. I wanted to go eat anyway. His response was, "no problem David, he said you were OK." I had played on this dlrs. table last night. He was really good. He was looking and smiling, boxman was smiling, and the stick just slid five dice to me. "New shooter coming out." I guess I will eat later.
Set for 7's. 7-7-11-7. Say that really felt good. Up 40 bucks, dlrs made $4. Let's play. Three pts made. 6-8-6. Feeling for the seam. Softly pick the dice up. Check grip. Inhale, and then turn my head to the left. Look exactly at my spot. 1" behind the line. Exhale slowly. Slow back swing, slow forward, square tips. I could feel every turn as the dice turned and hit. It seemed I could tell them where to stop. I am really excited now. Not nervous. Excited. In the past when I was competing, I knew when I was unbeatable. It was this feeling. The very first thing that came into my mind, the very first thing. At the refresher class,(or was it the primary?) Dom standing in front of the class and saying, "...play your game and stay within yourself. Play your game." Not the first time this has popped into my head.
After the second red chip in my counting rack, I noticed three suits standing pointing, and talking. Now what? Every perfect shot hit that darn back wall, every darn time. With both dice square! They talked to the boxman. #11-12-13-14. Gray suit goes to the phone. I don't care! Check the cameras, do what you want. I AIN'T cheating, and I AM going to beat you tonight! My happy place is a moment in time when on a hunt with my Father (now 90yrs old). Crawling up under a Cedar tree. Sleet is falling. A nice Deer stepped out exactly where he said it would. Happy place. The tree. The sleet. The Deer.
The game had absolutely slowed to a crawl. The left side of the table was packed. My right side had just me. Weird. Inspect the dice, bring in money, yada-yada-yada...give me the dice!! I was talking to myself. Calling the numbers, and hitting them. Buy the ten for 35, hit it. Buy the 4 for 35, hit it. The dealer tells me I don't have a 5 and that at 30 it was automatically bought. Explaining every detail, because he knew I played in Shreveport, and they didn't do that in Shreveport. Blah..blah...blah. Give me the dice! Gave him 30, and hit the 5. When I finally put the fourth red chip in the count rack. (slowdown started @ 14) I tried not to think they had finally wore me down. I was sinking fast.
From the far right, back somewhere, I heard a loud, "WAIT..WAIT...WAIT FOR ME!". I noticed there was a great deal of money in front of my dlr. ?? "Wait here I come!" Here comes a very well dressed man, wiping his mouth with a linen napkin. He said, "gimme 5,000 and let's go. WHOOEE! Let's go!" That's right whooee. Dealer slides me the dice to come out, and says, "he likes to play fast." I set exactly the same, threw exactly the same, took my breath exactly the same. After the second pt. Mr. Energy on my right said, "way to go shooter, way to go. Take your time and let's win some money. WHOOEEE!" I am glad it was ok with him, but I was going to stay in MY game. Somewhere in this maelstrom, the stick gave me the dice on the come out, set 6/5. "Shooter we could sure use a yo right now." Usually dlrs have a bet. I set 7's. That is my game. "YO-ELEVEN, a Yo." He seemed happy. My line paid me $10, the dlrs got $1 off their bet on the top. A lot of movement and action around me, with suits talking with Mr Energy. Loud laughing, noise behind me..etc..something about parlay. I think. Then more laughing. Sticks voice is a little nervous, "Sir (he said Sir) if you can do it again, we really, really, need another Yo." He gave them to me 6/5. I flipped them to 4/3. It is still my game, but I know something is up. The tree. The sleet. The Deer.
I have never heard that much noise break out before, and I have been to more than one Rodeo. Where the Hell did all those people come from? I only noticed this when a man and woman walked up neat me to look at the table, and security told them they would have to stand back. Security! The left side was going crazy, on my side all I could hear was.. "WHOOEEE...WHOOEEE...WHOOEEE!" Eyes and head down, I saw the dlrs got paid with a really big stack. They were still counting Mr. Energy when I pulled down the bill of my "Ben Hogan" cap and closed my eyes. Tree. Sleet. Deer.
Stick tapped me on the shoulder. "Sir we are ready." (sir!) Stick is now not doing well. "Sir three times ain't no record, if you can." Smell that Cedar tree. Feel the cold of the sleet. See the Beautiful Deer stamp his foot. Mr. Finesse, "feel the seam David, do you feel it?" I feel it. I am ready. Another Yo. Three in a row setting 7's. Who woulda thunk it? I won another $10 and was happy. This took a while, and I rested. I will tell you that damn tree was starting to rub my back a little raw. That sleet was really getting cold and wet. The crowd scared the Deer and I never got a shot. So many things were happening, but I remember one thing standing out. "Pull all my markers and pay 'em off." Not marker. Markers. Holy Cow Batman! I looked up slightly. His racks were full. Don't look. Back to work. So much money on the line, and so high with odds, I really was having a hard time dropping them just over the top. Finally I clipped a stack and it was over. Eight red chips and one lone white one. A very pretty 41. Where are you when I need you Noah? Maybe not GT official, but I will take it. I was pooped out and started sinking. Stickman grabbed my left arm and said "awesome man, awesome. Thank you." There is more to the story, but telling it again, wore me out again. Gray suit comes around to speak with me. Nice things. I get to meet Mr. Energy. He really is a nice guy, and he really likes to play fast.
What happened? Was it legal? What really happened? I don't care, and I had the time of my life using the tools GT has given us all. Wow.
I love this game. Go freshen up your coffee. P.S. not a single tip!!
"Let da blind man shoot!"
DavidM - 05:37pm Feb 23, 2010 PT
Tunica, '08, refresher '09 Non official 40-50-60roll. 2X POM
That's right. Let da blind man shoot. I hope your tables are as interesting as mine. This cry went up from the group at the left end of the table, right after I had shot a smooooooth FOUR! At first I thought it was a critique on my shooting. Not so. At the end of the table a blind man wanted to play. Think a younger, and heavier, Ray Charles, and that's him. I was the only player on the right side of the table, and the left side was packed. By myself @ SR1. (more on that in the next post)
I watched the fumbling of dice and money that went on and on. I am hungry and this is driving me crazy. I am out of here.
Now wait a minute. New year resolution. Make negative a positive. Take a bad situation, and try to make it good. ( my wife pushing me) Then I think, how many times have you been at the table with a blind shooter? Not drunk, blind. Not stupid, the man can't see. He had the dark glasses, the entourage and all. I am going to stay and ride this pony to the barn, then go eat.
First shot doesn't make it past the prop area. Second shot just misses me as they go off the table. This is really interesting, and he is really trying, and frustrated. I went to the end of the table on my side. Right side. Leaned over the table, after getting an OK from the boxman, and said, "shooter...shooterman listen to me. Can you hear this?" I then slap my hand on the table surface in front of back wall. "Shoot here shooterman...shoot here!" while slapping the table. He did, but didn't quite make the back wall. (OK are you ready for this?) "Pretty good, but not good enough. A little harder. You have to hit the back wall to win." I slapped the table, then the back wall. He hit it and got better with every shot.
He was laughing and yelling, "give me dem dice...give me dem dice!" I was enjoying the whole thing, and realized....he was only throwing inside numbers. I am in on 6/8, here we go. This guy threw an 18! They faded away, and me on the right and two on the left, that was it. The $5 table was jammed. My $10 table was empty. I can now add to my list of stories, I shot with a blind man and he beat me.
I love this game.
When I had ask for suggestions on tournament play on a previous post, Timmer gave a suggestion. Timmer you also said you wanted to hear some good stories. This is one. Another is coming up.
I love this game.
Post of Distinction
End of the journey... but it was a great trip!
"Scan" - 07:48am Feb 20, 2010 PT
Post of the Month - August 07 and June 09