Golden Touch Craps
Posts of Distinction of the Month - April
This month there was a unanimous decision for POM as well as POD. The POM goes to athleteMS for "Was It Wrong To Throw The 7?" This generated a lot of interest, and some different ways people handle distractions. The POD goes to Agame for "No Love For Hops," which also was a good read. Congratulations to both.
POM: Was it wrong to throw the 7?
athleteMS - 07:21am Apr 13, 2010 PT
Primer Grad 4-10, P.O.M. 4-10
I was at a casino on the big Mississippi last night and my shot was looking good. A lot better then last weekend thanks to having met Ataana in Philadelphia, MS (He gave me some pointers on my shot and after practicing them they helped out tremendously). Although it still has a long ways to go. Well there is always this old guy there with more money then sense and he bets the hard 6 & 8 for $50 each, across the board for $140, and usually have at least 10 around his PL bet. I don't mind people who want to bet like that but just keep it to yourself. That's his problem, he doesn't understand keep it to yourself. Unless you were rolling for 20min (which I did 5 different times that night) you're a horrible craps player and should just pass the dice. My rolls were something like 4, 3, 8, 20+, 9, 8, 14, 20+, etc. Once I got grooved in on the table I was doing well. Thing is I had a couple of point/7s in the latter half of the night. Well never mind that my 20+ rolls all had over 4 hardways in them (and one had 6) and made him $1000s of dollars, never mind that on the table everyone but him was passing the dice back to me because they're all making money on my rolls, and never mind that this ploopy's highest roll was 14 and every other one was 4 or less with the majority being point/7s. So on my point sevens he started ranting "look at this professional (I guess because I set the dice)", "G.D*** every f***ing time", "this f***ing professional should just pass the god d*** dice", "mother f***ing Son of a bit** why does he even shoot". I don't know about you guys but where I was raised in the south, "them fightin' words". I continued on though and outside of those catastrophes I continued to roll consistently in the 10+ while pounding 6, 8 and 9.
So a new player walks up beside me during the ploopy's roll and buys in. The ploopy then rolls a 7 and proceeds to rant about "new money always doing it" but with plenty of foul language added in. I roll a 10 hand but no hard ways and very little repeating numbers. The new guy rolls a 12 hand and repeats the 5 and 9 a decent amount(I'm come betting on him so I make some wins). Well the ploopy had walked off and I proceeded to request that they control his outrages or else I'm gone(and I tip well so the dealers didn't like this idea). I start rolling and am in the middle of a huge hand, 33 rolls so far(according to my chip count in the special rack). Both myself and the guy next to me are making money because I'm pounding the 6, 8, and 5. Then comes the ploopy. He walks back proceeds to throw $1000 on the table. I roll a hard 8. He then puts over $400 in chips down and it has the dealers slowed down placing all his bets. After a minute of waiting the guy next to me pulls all his bets down and hops the 7s for big money. I thought about it and decided it was time to show an evil side. Although I still felt really good about my roll I just was tired of his shit and his speaking out of both sides of his mouth.
I brought down all my bets, picked up my odds and the stick says "oh no, please don't do it." I told the guy next to me "you want the 7?" he replies "what??!!??". "you want the 7?" I tell him. He is silent. The ploopy's bets are set, the dice are pushed to me, I set for 7s, focus, focus more, and throw. The call comes... "4 3, sevenout. Hell of a roll,
hell of a roll."
One dealer says "Always that new money." I leaned over to the guy next to me and just said "your welcome". He gave me this puzzled look of amazement. The ploopy goes ape shit. "MFer, every GD time, that f'n professional throws sh*** every F'n time. GD..." etc. etc. etc. I just shoot him a big smile (well more of an evil grin). The stick leans over and says "that was wrong. Just plain wrong." Put my chips down and color up. Made a good win, just over 30 units. The guy next to me is begging me not to leave, asking me where I am going next, "I want to be there". I politely declined and said I was heading home. Before I walked away the guy had a 4 roll and the ploopy... point/7.
My question for the board, was it wrong to roll that 7? I feel like a jedi knight going to the dark side, using my power (however crappy and undeveloped it might be) for evil. I just got tired of the ploopy.
So was it wrong to throw that 7?
POD: AC April 15--No love for Hops
Agame - 01:01pm Apr 26, 2010 PT, GTC Grad, Tunica 2010
A few things happened with this post. First I was unable to log in, then I did post it somewhere else and had to wait to post it here because I was away in Tunica. So here it goes, 10 days after the fact:
I started out w/ $25 of slot play. The machine made a payout of $162.
14'' table and I am mentally adjusting my throw before the dice get to me. I grab them and throw them right out of the table... twice... in a row. Next roll is an 8 and then 7 out. Next turn, point 7. Next turn, several 4's and 5's which I'm not betting, a paying 6 and an 8 and then I make my point--single odds. After that I make 1 come-out winner and a 5, then 7 out. I bet and mostly lose on the other players while I wait my turn after that. I get the dice and throw three, maybe four numbers---losing on myself as well
The guy right before me is shaking and throwing them, not betting any inside numbers, calling for a hard 4 and hopping it. Not hitting any hard numbers at all and therefore losing all his hop bets. After he hit a few 6's and 8's, I bet on him and start going up a unit immediately. My 6 and 8 get to $30, I spread out to $25 on the 5 and 9 and $25 on the 4. I collect a few bets and recover a little. It's beginning to turn into a long roll but the shooter still has no inside bets; he's only hopping hard this and hard that and betting the horn and not hitting it... until he does hit a hard 6 and collects a few red chips. He puts it all back and hops a few more hardways. He hits one and goes crazy, as does the table. No one got a huge payout from that or anything, but everyone on the shooter's side of the table plus 1 person on my side of the table starts putting a lot of action on the hops and hardways. The shooter is now throwing at a slower pace and w/ less frequency, as bets on hardways, horn and hops have to be paid out, taken down, pressed up, replaced... I am spread out to all box numbers and have them pressed up and the wait is excruciating, specially because there was an inexperienced dealer that took twice as long to even place the bets on the table, let alone make the payouts on the hops and hardways. Three more throws and the roll ends. Everyone made a little. The guy on my side of the table made over $400 on horn bets and then continued throwing money on the horn until he was left w/ just $50.
Now that is probably not true, but I believe that when shooters are interfered w/, they 7 out. I think the roll ended because the shooter's rhythm was slowed down considerably, disrupting the way he handled the dice. Hey, what would craps be w/out the fun and the superstitions, heh?
My turn to shoot. Come-out 7, 11. The table is still in that horn/hop frame of mind and bets accordingly. Point of 10. I place the 6 and 8 and hit them repeatedly, soft, w/ a few craps numbers in between, so that my 6&8 are pressed up and I am beginning to spread out to other numbers and pressing them up as well, as is the rest of the table. An occasional hop and hardway press by the other players, which the new dealer struggles to handle, but nothing out of control. The roll continues and I am now pressed up real good on every number, collecting several green chips w/ every throw. The hop and hardway action intensifies a little bit. I make my point of 10 the hardway, just after someone had hopped it. He gets several hundred and is happy. More people are now betting the hardway and hop, some screaming and throwing their chips in before the bets are payed out. The suit calms everyone down, helps the dealers w/ the math and payouts. The waiting time for the dice was enough to conceive a baby and send him off to college, I swear.
At last I get the dice. Come-out 7. Working hardways and all manner of hops go down the drain, and then replaced. Point of 8. Hard 8 is the next roll. Everyone goes crazy. All I hear from both sides of the table now is
Hop this, hop that
Hop my mother, hop my brother
Hop the six, and the eight
Hop it, dealer!--I can't wait!
Hop my mamma, hop Obama,
Hop it, dealer, it's good karma!
Hop this itch, ain't this rich?
Hop my bankroll like a b*tch!
I am only getting more and more annoyed because of the damned inexperienced and slow dealer and the wait time. And the screaming, Holy God, the screaming! Originally intended as encouragement, it was now way beyond pure heckling. And even though the roll is going ok so far, I don't feel like I am riding a wave, I am still trying to focus and I haven't had a lot of hits since I pressed up my numbers. Nothing would please me more than to partake in the hop and hardway action, but I can only focus on so many things when I am shooting. Plus, people would make some when I did throw a hardway only to press it and lose it when I threw a soft number---because I was NOT throwing that many hard numbers at all!! All that action on prop bets didn't amount to much winning, just a lot of slowing down, waiting and annoyance.
After many minutes and forever, I get the dice. I don't get to throw them because someone wants more action on prop bets and slow dealer is obliging. Whatever happened to "dice out, no bet!" I no longer remember what I threw, just that I had to wait a lot for the dice to come back. The table had now come to a screeching halt. I collect something on the next throw and 7 out.
Buy-in: $480
Color out: $860