Golden Touch Craps
Posts of Distinction of the Month - May
The POM for this month goes to GordonM for his post "10 percent." This post by GordonM, "10 Percent" was posted on April 30th, but it generated 61 responses, which were posted in May. Frank thought it worthy enough to post on the wisdom pages. The POD goes to Jonesy for his post, "Come Bets or Place Bets." This is a topic about which everyone could learn more, or use a refresher course.
Congratulations to both.
POM: 10% success
GordonM - 10:11am Apr 30, 2010 PT
Well as i write this i am sitting on a pillow so my butt is protected and fully expected i wont be able to revisit the room for a long time. but when i feel something i say it.
I have a problem with the 90% failure on anything, i have trained for years and if i had only 10% of my students succeeding i would quit training, even the worse high school in america which is I guess Milwaukee does better than that and the kids dont even go to a class.
I think we need to determine what success means to start, it if means a student has to be like the very best, then maybe 10% makes sense, if it means we just need to improve some then the success rate needs to be much higher. In addition i think we need to be clear as to what the cost is to get better. I have not taken any classes, but have bought the video's, all the books, a table and i have maybe 15,000 practice throws in the past 1.5 years. I am a little better, not much, but i dont think what i have done so far is failing, and i expect to get better. NOw here is the key point to me, if a person does what i have done so far and the instructors truly beleive that this is a waste of time unless you take the class i feel we need to say that upfront. dont spend the money for the video's, books, table unless you take classes, and that will cost you another $3000-$5000.
I don't think was can accuse students of being lazy and undisciplined unless we fully lay out the program and its costs and expectations.Having said that i agree many people do fail because they dont try hard enough, others because they were not prepared for what was required.
POD:Come bets or place bets?
Jonesy - 12:24am May 17, 2010 PT
So I've been wondering which bets would be better for someone with a short bankroll. I want to play come bets with the lower HA, especially since they offer 10x odds where I play. However, if I go up on three numbers Pass/Come, that's over $150, well over my limit. Double odds is still pushing it.
It also seems like there's larger swings with come bets. A few bad rolls (4-5 numbers then seven out) and I'm already in a pretty big hole--which will happen more often. But the long rolls are big money makers since I can get paid on every box number. I can't buy the 4/10 because vig is paid on all bets, so I'm stuck just placing the 6/8. Of course the problem with that is I miss out on half the numbers I roll on big hands, but that seems worth it if I'm not losing much on short rolls and can still win a significant amount on long rolls if I'm pressing.
So I was wondering if there's an article anyone can point me towards that lays out the statistics of the two betting styles. Not the HA or anything, I know all that, but rather how much more a person would risk on Come bets vs. Placing 6/8. And how much and how often one could expect to lose Come betting vs. Placing 6/8.