Golden Touch Craps
Posts of the Month - November
This month we awarding one POM, and two POD's as well as an Honorable Mention. Congratulations to everyone.
POM: Carl's post "Confession Time About Craps." This was a new subject on the site, which generated a lot of responses.
POM: Confession Time About Comps
Carl - 09:12am Nov 12, 2010 PT
GTC Graduate, Poster of Distinction, Black Chip Member
I have to confess that I do want comps and that sometimes I stay too long at the table and bet bigger than my bankroll in order to get them. I don't know what it is. I want the free rooms and whatever meals they will give me.
How many of you honestly do the same thing?
Are you willing to pay for your own room and food to bet the 100% proper GTC way? Or are you comp conscious like me?
Please tell the truth.
POD: MartinH's post, "Confrontation," was a post from which we could all benefit.
POD: Confrontation
POD: JB's post, "Is It Wise To Change Your Set," also a learning post.
Is it wise to change your set?
Honorable Mention: Brothelman's post, "Bang DB+W," which certainly generated many responses.
Bang DB&W