Golden Touch Craps
Posts of the Month - December
For December, the POM goes to TP1. There were several selections for POD, and the committee decided they would like three posts to be awarded the POD. Congratulations to all. It is obvious by the many responses elicited by members, that the posts are being avidly read and that posters are greatly appreciated. We've had a wonderful year of posting, and we fervently hope it continues with new ideas as well as help to newcomers. The committee looks forward to reading all the dialogues.
Happy New Year from your committee:
Dice Pilot
Glue Factory
Rolling Rooster
Tommy2Names/aka Mailman
Section Eight
Dr. Crapology
POM: Player Height, Delivery Path and Landing Area
TP1 - 09:15am Dec 5, 2010 PT
GTC Primer Graduate 2008
We are all of different shapes and sizes, and I realize our tables are similar, but not exactly the same.
My questions are:
1) What paths do people of different height use? (Are the dice along the pass line, the don't pass line, or in the field or come area?)
2) With this path you use, are the dice aligned underneath your eyes before you start your backswing, or is your arm reaching out into the table area?
3) Depending on the path, where do your dice land (initial bounce)?
4) After they take the initial bounce into the back wall, where do they finish?
1) In my case, at my enormous height of 5'5", I am sure I am one of the tallest GTC players (right!). I get up on my toes and reach out into the Don't Pass Line area. Here are my table measurements (player side):
9 1/2 - 12" Pass Line
12 - 12 1/2" Border inbetween Pass Line and Don't Pass Line
12 1/2 - 14 1/2" Don't Pass Line
14 1/2 - 19 1/4" Field
2) My dice are not directly beneath my eyes. My arm is slightly reaching out into the table area. I used to throw along the pass line path, with the dice directly beneath my eyes (similar to the pendulum putting stroke used in golf). For me, if I stay straight down the path of the pass line, the dice will sometimes go towards the mixing bowl. My goal is to land the dice in a flat area of the back wall and have them bounce back towards me.
3) Along the don't pass line the dice will land at or past the Big 6 and Big 8 area (usually they land near the Pass Line slightly past the Big 8 area). If I reach out into the field or come area, then my dice will pull back into the mixing bowl because I am stretching out too much.
4) If the dice stay on the correct path, my dice will slightly hit against the back wall and bounce back towards me. My goal is to always keep them on a straight path back without reaching the pass line.
I know viewing the practice dvd, the instructors all seem to be along the pass line/don't pass line on the gtc table. I do notice that many of the dice land at or past the pass line, and differ from person to person. The dice seem to move straight back or towards the middle of the flat area of the back wall, depending on the instructor.
I also realize that different tables will dictate different landing areas, but I'm interested in what is the general consensus. I hear some players even wear a thick-soled shoe.
I would welcome any and all feedback to these questions, as I realize there is more than one way to accomplish the goal in this great game we all enjoy so much.
Thank You Very Much,