Golden Touch Craps
Posts of the Month - May
This month, the result was completely unanimous with only one vote! No repeat votes needed. Congratulations to DBR and Sagerifle.
POM: Do I over prepare and over analyze for craps for an "advantage"
Dragboatracer - 02:22am May 16, 2011 PT
GTC Chicago '08, Refresher AC '09, POM, WCC '09, 40-Roll Club
often wonder if I set myself up for as Skinny says "the self fulfilling prophecy of failure" when I go to the craps table.
understand the GTC philosophy and I can appreciate the fact that if I lose less that is a "win" in terms of the financial bottom line.
owever, losing less did not add any thing to the win side of the win/loss column because I never put any money at risk that I could not afford to lose anyway.
o I have to have everything perfect before I can go to play?
need to practice in the room to make sure my dice look good before I go play.
want to be fresh, relaxed and rested not tired. I like to stretch and be loose not stiff.
want to find my optimum spot preferably SL1, SL2 or lastly SR1 if not then I should not play.
don't feel comfortable shooting with a long sleeve shirt so I wear short sleeves. I like my thicker sole shoes so I can get up on the table with less effort.
don't like the table too crowded; I like it empty so I get the dice right back. No hands in my way, no late bets, no one buying in during my roll, no loud CFers.
always tip so I like the stick to stand back or at least not block me out. Don't talk to me while I'm shooting. No distractions, I am trying to concentrate. I'm focused; sometimes I try not to "blink" after I lock on to my target spot.
have practiced my betting so I know exactly what to do without thinking about it.
know most rolls are short and long rolls are rare.
oint sevens are inevitable even with practice; I still hate them, but I allow them to upset me less the more I play.
strive to stay in the GTC 10%.
ven though great baseball players may be 300 batters I don't compare hitting a baseball with controlling dice. But, they still get paid the 7 times they strike out; I don't, I lose my money.
practice at home. I have a decent SRR, but that is at home on my table. What happens at home does not mean it will happen in the casino good or bad.
hen advantage play (all or most of the ideal conditions are favorable) is not working, then it is no longer advantage play. Simply getting the dice back quickly does not constitute an advantage.
Fers don't think about craps when they are away from the casino. They don't practice betting, but many do have betting strategies.
hey could care less about interrupting a roll. They want in on a "big" roll even if they interfere.
e are all playing to make money. Few know when to leave until they are out of money. CFers are not there for me or any one else for that matter.
f other GTCers are present, I am a team player. If my shot is not working I will move for another to shoot. GTCers do have a code of ethics. I try to follow that code but I am human and I try to learn from my mistakes and those of others.
hope that I can become a true advantage player and that I do not have to have everything my way to make that happen.
ood Luck to all,
POD: Projectile Motion Calculations
SageRifle - 10:11pm May 1, 2011 PT
May the Odds be With You!