Golden Touch Craps
Posts of the Month - July
This month the POM goes to The Situation for all three of his posts. They all generated many responses.
The POD goes to both Retired Ball Player and LeeU. They were both interesting, and generated several responses. It was also good to have a double topic in LeeU's post, both craps and blackjack.
Congratulations to all of you.
POM: Slip Up
The Situation - 12:16am Jul 14, 2011 PT
AC March 2011 GTC Grad, Vegas June 2011 Refresher, 40 Roll Club, Winner Box # Contest 3/11, Post of the Month 7/11
I've been back for over a week now. I have been practicing everyday and my throw is looking terrific. I have plans to go to AC this weekend.
I run a billiards tournament every Monday. The tournament ended a little early this past Monday. I decided I would go to my local casino,just to see what my dice looked like. I only brought a hundred. I figured I couldn't get hurt.
Walked up and SL1 was available. I took it and bought in for one hundred right away. The dice came to me shortly after that. I started with 3 straight points and I was on the fourth point for the fire bet. My dice were looking great and the dealers are super friendly. I wasn't on the fire bet of course, but I was kicking myself. I had come bets with all numbers covered. I rolled about a 25 before I sevened out. The pit boss is very friendly and pleaded with me to play the fire bet next time I get the dice.
The dice came back around again. I am already up a very nice profit so far. I bet the fire bet with the dealers up also. I had a fifteen dollar pass line bet. I established the point. I then made a come bet no odds on my pass line bet yet and boom seven out! Broke even minus my fire bet.
I decided I would put my profit in my pocket and use the one hundred I started with. That way I was guaranteed to walk out a winner.
The dice came back around and I bet the fire bet with the dealers on for two dollars as the pit boss was pleading with me. My dice were looking very good. I slowly marked three points the six, eight and nine. At this point I have every number covered with my come bets. I then mark the 5. I hit a couple numbers then the five. I did a little fist pump and kept going. Next point is a 4. At this point there starts to be a nice crowd around the table. I hit a whole bunch of numbers then bam the hard 4. I jump up with excitement. There are three other people on the fire bet plus the dealers.
There is one new dealer at the table which is really slowing things down. Every time the dice went to the middle I backed away from the table to keep my head clear.
All the sudden a lady steps in SL1 in front of all my chips. The dealer says you have to move mam, he is shooting right here. She turns to me and I said you can squeeze to the left if you want. She says no you are too excited, I'm leaving. Oddly enough the lady came back 30 minute's later and I was still shooting.
The dice come back to me everyone is awaiting the next point. I roll and it is a six. Aww comes from everyone. I rolled about eight numbers then boom the six.
Come out roll again. At this point I am up huge. A guy hops the ten's three way, him, me and the dealer 5 each. I rolled and bam a hard 10. This was the sixth point established. Everyone starts going crazy. I was trying to keep my mind blank and keep doing what I was doing nothing different.
The dealers were terrific handling my come bets and keeping me from thinking about my bets. Every roll was very tense. It seemed like the dice were leaving my hands, hitting the back wall and bouncing in slow motion.
I rolled about 7 numbers mostly eights and kaboom 6-4. There it is a six point fire bet paying 1000-1 with $5 on it and $2 for the dealers. I fell to the floor with excitement. At this point there is a large crowd around. I didn't care, it was the most excited thing I ever accomplished at the craps table. The great thing is it wasn't over. I rolled about another 15 numbers, no more points, then by that time I was exhausted. Boom the seven.
I had a lot of money on the board, but by that point I didn't even care. From the start of the roll to the end of the roll it was two hours. I'm not sure how many rolls I had, but it was many. I figured on being home much earlier than I was. Fortunately I had a good excuse for coming home so late and my wonderful girl friend was very understanding.
I know I'm not supposed to make these kinds of bets and play at my local casino. That is why I labeled this post slip up. I will keep my play at this casino to a minimum and I will not bet the fire on most occasions as it has a high house edge. But I really wanted to share this experience with my GTC family.
His two other winning posts:
POM: AC Trip Report
POM: Question On Come Bets
POD: craps and blackjack
LeeU - 08:09am Jul 3, 2011 PT
GTC Grad
POD: Vegas Report, Tornado Style, 3 Monster Rolls
Retired Ball Player - 05:52am Jul 5, 2011 PT
Primer/Refresher/Advanced grad 40,60 roll club Video Analysis, Texas Tornado